Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hypermodern thoughts of the day:

1. Facebook gives you as much as you put into it (wish I could say the same about my blogspot).


Q: Yo why these bitches clogging up my mini-feed with they stupidass Vegas photos all the goddamn time!??!
A: Cuz you're clicking through them all the goddamn time.

Lesson: We have the power to vote with our mouses, people.

2. Try using Google as a life-forecast. It's full-proof. That's how predictable people are.

You hear that?


and I hate everyone.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011



"Fries are smothered with truffle Jack cheese, shortribs, and veal jus for a decadent take on poutine, a traditionally Canadian dish."


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

boyz R dumb

"everytime i see a guy try to holler at one of my girls, it reminds me why im hella gay. guys are soooo hungry, so thirsty!! yall need to calm down and realize screaming, grabbing a girls hand to pull her towards you (the rudest shit ever), asking for a hug when we dont know you, etc. is LAME!!!! LAME!! LAME!!!!! and please stop getting mad when women say no. asssholes." gladys l.



is there such a huge disparity bw the way some people behave OL as opposed to RL?

I know the answer, but still, it's just sad.

I may be a cunt but at least I'm consistent.

Find your "I".

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If you're gonna text me happy birthday you're gonna have to step up your game

Because that is the tightest shit I've ever seen!!!!

From my dearest homie Eefs, whom I've known since I was 12. Damn. That's fucking 11 years. That's fucking half my life :O


Happy birfday to me!

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Business of Being Born

Just saw this amazing documentary tonight about midwifery vs. hospital births. Apparently American women are so much more misinformed about various options of birth than women in most other developed countries. As a result? Caesarean sections are at an all time high, as are mortality rates for mothers and babies. This documentary connects all the dots by exposing the political and fiscal agenda of insurance companies and hospitals when it comes to (what should be) the most natural and precious process in life.

I was sold 3 minutes in based on gut feeling, but in the end I came away with so much more knowledge about the history of birthing that I would never have thought to look into if it hadn't been for this documentary. I was not aware of the dehumanization that occurs during labor and the absurdity behind the domino effect of anesthetic intervention and what it does to a mother's body. It just seems insane now that this type of birth has become the norm.

Let's just say if I ever decide to have a bb, it's going to be at my mothafuckin crib on my mothafuckin terms. Watch this doc to see why.
Listening to bangers whilst rollerblading = false sense of confidence.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

mm just made this

Vegan + healthier option than hummus!


There are no words I could've been prouder to be RT'd by a celeb for <3

Monday, April 4, 2011

Like a monkey with a miniature cymbal

When I fuuucking love a song, I can listen to it a disgusting amount of times in a row. For example when "Love in this Club" first came out, I had it on repeat so many times one day that after about the 15th listen my housemate swung open my door to see if I was okay. I was pretty pissed cuz I was in a bath towel. And besides gurl, if I was going to off myself in my bedroom it certainly wouldn't be to an Ursher song.


1. Tiga - "Speak, Memory"

This song has the prettiest melody in all of Ciao! As soon as I heard it I thought about how an acoustic version would sound amazing, although I don't think I should be the one to do it. When I think of making covers I'm mostly interested in turning a rock song into something more electro influenced, so I wonder how I would rework this one to bring more attention to the melody without stripping it down to just vocals+piano/guitar. Anyway, from the morning of his show until now I have played this song more than human comprehension. I gross myself out.

2. Interpol - "Memory Serves"

Same goes for this second track off their self-titled. I'm insanely obsessed. Last month I began constructing the bare bones of a cover to this song but I've been taking a very long time to commit to because I don't want to fuck it up. I've realized that I'm drawn to making covers of songs like this because despite its extremely pretty melodies, the artist is not trying to make a pretty song. This song is heavy, emotional, and it'll take you for a fucking ride. Since buying the album I have found it hard to get past the second track. I keep going back for more and more.

3. Lykke Li - "Little Bit"

Nevermind that I've been listening to her latest album nonstop since it dropped late last month. This is an old one but I never cared to give it attention until now. I think there's a reason for that. I can say right now that I love her voice in this song, but it wasn't until Charlotte Gainsbourg's IRM that I really started appreciating this kind of light, breathy, willowy style of singing. Some review had criticized Charlotte's voice as being "weak", which I found a little glib and irrelevant because her so-called "weak" voice matches the music so wonderfully. Likewise, with Wounded Rhymes Lykke Li proves that she can really sing out if she wants to. It's just that in the case of her debut, the songs didn't require her to, making it more a matter of vocal choice and styling rather than potential. Lastly, I never expected to find such a strong ally in female sensibility underneath all the poppy softness I associated Lykke Li with when she first came out. "Hands down, I'm too proud for love. But with eyes shut, it's you I'm thinking of." Ain't that the truth grrl.

4. Massive Attack - "Teardrop"

There will never be a time in my life when I'm not consistently playing this song. Enough said.

5. Tyler the Creator - "Yonkers"

"I'm a fucking walking paradox, no I'm not." I love this kid. I wanted to unfollow him the second I started following him on Twitter, but I've kept him around because I'm so intrigued. He may be a 19 year old punkass but the boy has great taste. Plus, we hate all the same people; what's not to love about that? Anyway I appreciate the hollow eeriness of this beat, and I fucking LOVE the smoothness in the line: "I'm an over acheiver, so how 'bout I start a team of leaders and pick up Stevie Wonder to be the wide receiver?" And the video? Well what the fuck else is there to say about it other than SWAG SWAG SWAG.

Thus concludes my list of top 5 songs in rotation as of April 4th, 2011.
Thank you for listening.