Thursday, December 16, 2010

Back when it cost a mere $15 to see Lady Gaga at a gay club

00:33 mark -- that's me


10/16/08, damn!

Woke up wanting to hear this!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sims 3 Dramz pt. 2

dave: im going to become hella rich
dave: turn off aging
dave: have a kid
dave: and then allow them to live a life of luxury
me: haHHAHhhaha
me: arite citizen kane

dave: so
dave: it was 6pm
dave: and i invited zelda over
dave: then i asked her to go steady
dave: IMMEDIATELY asked her to get married
dave: and then while we were having our private wedding
dave: some other girl calls
dave: my cell
me: well did u chat or what?!?!
dave: haha
dave: i dunno but
dave: this girl is moving from her 130k home
dave: into my 14k home
dave: welcome to an artist's life, sucka

Thursday, December 9, 2010

dave: anyhoo
dave: i caught a burglar in my house
dave: somehow she ended up on my relationship list
dave: i keep calling her
dave: to come over


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Yet another ridiculous bedside convo in Daly City pt. 6

[While feeling heart-warmed as Stevie Wonder cracks jokes before announcing this year's Grammy noms for Best Album of the Year]

Angel: Who is this guy.



I enjoy conversations about rap

wat r U listenin to
monster hehe

dude nicki is fav in that
why is hova still rappin
at first i was like okay its fine.. theni was like NO
i agree
especially in appalled
so appalled haha
hahah no i think appalled is better than monster
i liek the "whats worse being underpaid or overrated" line
shows hes conscious of how much he sucks
yea it shows how stubborn he is
just give it up
hes got beyonce
he needs to relax