Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

If you could clear up all that space in your mind, you'd have a doorway. And you know what the universe will do? Rush in. And everything else will take care of itself.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Apathy. Bleh.

The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent, but if we can come to terms with this indifference, then our existence as a species can have genuine meaning. However vast the darkness we must supply our own light.

-Stanley Kubrick

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This song

is pretty much the only song my body won't reject if I try listening to it over and over again right now. I don't care what she's saying, but the mood is soooo right.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

You Saw it Here First: The Beautiful Beginnings of Twerq Lode

Because the best DJs have masks.

Power Stoge doesn't need eye-holes pshhhh


Friends Doing Silly Things Pt. 1



But mostly the life of the party.

Gluttony to the Maximus Pt. 1

The closing ceremony to an epic drive through Vacaville with Coz. After being rejected by Sonic's we found the gluttonous treasure that is Mel's. I believe that is a scramble, chilli cheese fries, biscuits and gravy, and finally, a breakfast burrito. Oh and two banana creme pie shakes, heh heh. Oh, the beauty of the 24/7 diner.

You get a lil mm and suddenly Target becomes a haven for hungry kidz. Sloppy joes, a $4 pizza, chips, and a pretty disgusting cheese & bacon dip (not pictured). Playing on the TV, New Moon. Overall, a beautiful and grossly unnecessary meal.

My first trip to Pink's! Wasn't as delish as I hoped but the experience was worth the wait. Winter Break 2009 with the Davis kids.

Trust me, there are more pics. Just you wait.

Oh Hello, Gorgeous!

Why can't I stop myself from loving GAP ads? I think it's because the way they use music and dance is so effective and fun to watch.

And no doubt somebody in the advertising dept. is puurty clever. Well good for them, makes up for their boring clothes!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Daft Punk!

but why Juliette Lewis? lol

Lily of the Valley

Whoa. Random.

So back when Conan O'Brien first got a Twitter account, he proclaimed that he was going to follow ONE of his followers at random. He chose some random beazy from Michigan, cute.

Today he twatted: If it ever says I’m following more than one person, I’ve been hacked. I’m a completely monogamous Twitterer—I only follow Sarah Killen.

On impulse I clicked on her page to see the lucky snatch who, out of pure luck, now exists in Conan's world. I quickly scrolled down her page to see if she had anything interesting to say.

Well, she didn't, except somewhere in that microsecond, the words, "Lily of the Valley" caught my eye. Supposedly they were her grandma's favorite flower.

I stopped when I saw it because I KNEW that I knew these flowers. Just couldn't figure out why for a couple seconds...

Until I realized I had written a report about them in the 5th grade. Because I thought they were pretty.

The point of this story is not that I had any significantly personal memories of these pretty little flowers. The point is that unless I had seen that rando twat, these flowers would never have crossed my mind, maybe ever again.

It's crazy how memory works. Your brain doesn't forget or let go of information just because new information is constantly being absorbed. My boyfriend told me that the brain has an unlimited capacity to store memory. Just takes a single act of chance to unlock a fragment of the past, even if it was 12 years ago.

Inception: New Leo/Nolan Movie

What a pretty fucking awesome and reputable cast. And Christopher Nolan! Def down to see it.

Friday, May 7, 2010



All right so it was 50 (fuckinggg) bucks, and I am in no position to be buying dvds at a time like this, but when you've been waiting for something for TENN LONNGGG YEARSS and it finally happens (for $24 off retail price), you hop on that train fool, I don't care what you say!

I'm sooooo excited, oh the fun that we'll have.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

an oldie but a goodie!

and steve aoki looking hella skeez

FAT a new documentary


Debussy all the time

I love this song because I can't put a finger on it. It's like a journey of contemplative despondency and heavy mood... then hope and even touches of whimsicality... all of these things ruminating in one person's mind.

A Mondrian Cake!

Mmm :)

Precious, MGMT, and Andy, oh my!


SNL Promo: Betty White

SNL promos are often better than the actual show. Not as good as the Precious/MGMT promo but Betty be supes cute (and hella gangsta)! And of course Kristen Wiig, my favorite lil SNL tart.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Favorite Lyrics Post #2

Everything I'm not
made me everything I am.

This song is about letting go of past regrets or failed aspirations
because everything that happened along the way has brought you to where you are now.

For example, one of the first things Kanye says in this song is:
"Common passed on this beat, I made it to a jam,
Everything I'm not made me everything I am."

In Touch the Sky, he says:
"I'm trying to right my wrongs,
But it's funny these same wrongs helped me write this song."

On one hand it's about adapting to changes and making the best out of your situation...

and on the other hand it's about loving and appreciating who are you now.

One time I had to console a best friend who was in tears over a guy who called their relationship off because he didn't feel they were very compatible. She told me this upset her because she thought she had something to offer for anyone, a personality that could adapt to anyone's needs.

Though taken aback by the fact that anyone would strive for such a thing, all I could tell her was to take it as a positive reinforcement of her character. That if what he wanted was something she didn't have, it affirms her individuality even more.

Heart Attack from Above 2010

Check out
for 29 other ways
to die happily.


How can one man be responsible for three of the most beautiful songs in the whole entire world???? Here is the first one. BTW nice work, Mustachio.


Shame about the sliight lag, but ever so soulful and sweet. What a beautiful interpretation.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Favorite Lyrics Post #1

I wish I could buy back
the woman you stole.

Fuck you, Karen O! Y Control is probz my fav YYYs song to begin with.. as if it needed that line, jesus.

This is too funny, and I'm probably going to hell.