Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Magical Papa Snauff

I asked Stenny to give her dad this San Franciscan snowglobe because one of the first things she ever told me about him was that SF was his favorite city in the whole world. Also, he has the sweetest, most amazing, youthful spirit of any person I've ever met.

I was going through one of the most painful times in my life when I first met Mark, but by the end of my visit, I was already filled with SO much more love and joy inside. And hope, too. I can't even explain what it was, but all I know is that I left feeling so silly for spending my entire day complaining and marinating in my misery that it was in that moment I decided to get over myself and begin to appreciate and find happiness in the little things around me once again.

All he did was be his merry old self. And therein lies the magic of Papa Snauff.


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