Just saw this amazing documentary tonight about midwifery vs. hospital births. Apparently American women are so much more misinformed about various options of birth than women in most other developed countries. As a result? Caesarean sections are at an all time high, as are mortality rates for mothers and babies. This documentary connects all the dots by exposing the political and fiscal agenda of insurance companies and hospitals when it comes to (what should be) the most natural and precious process in life.
I was sold 3 minutes in based on gut feeling, but in the end I came away with so much more knowledge about the history of birthing that I would never have thought to look into if it hadn't been for this documentary. I was not aware of the dehumanization that occurs during labor and the absurdity behind the domino effect of anesthetic intervention and what it does to a mother's body. It just seems insane now that this type of birth has become the norm.
Let's just say if I ever decide to have a bb, it's going to be at my mothafuckin crib on my mothafuckin terms. Watch this doc to see why.
It's no secret that ALL docs recommend surgery, especially in high pressure situations like biz-irthing. For the record, I was born without the big C, mainly because I checked myself before I wrecked myself.
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